Printer Friendly Version Celebration of Slava Saint Sava in Brussels @ 4 February 2020 11:01 AM

The Serbian Orthodox Church of Saint Sava in Brussels, on January 26, 2020, celebrated the slava of Saint Sava. The Holy Liturgy was officiated by Bishop West American Mr. Maxim and priest Milan Zivanovic from Antwerp. After the speech delivered by the bishop, the children from the Ivo Andrić School in Brussels had an event where symbolic gifts were given to the little ones. This event was attended by a large number of our citizens living in the Kingdom of Belgium, especially in Brussels. Ivo Andrić School in Brussels marked the school slava at the premises used by the school, on February 1, 2020. The event was organized in cooperation with the Additional School and the newly founded Serbian Association Krug from Brussels and gathered a large number of members of our diaspora in Belgium.